Tuesday, November 25, 2008

chinese story - 6

“Does your leader drink wine?” asked he.
  they replied, “Only fine wines does he drink.”
  “I have some very old wine,” replied Lu Kang, smiling, “and I will give of it to you to bear to your general as a gift. It is the wine I myself brew and drink on ceremonial occasions, and he shall have half in return for today's courtesy.”
  they took the wine and left.
  “Why do you give him wine?” asked Lu Kang's officers.
  “Because he has shown kindness, and I must return courtesy for courtesy.”
  When the gift of wine arrived and the bearers told Yang Hu the story of their reception, he laughed.
  “So he knows I can drink,” said Yang Hu.
  He had the jar opened, and the wine was poured out. One of his generals, Chen Yuan, begged him to drink moderately lest there should be some harm come of it.
  “Lu Kang is no poisoner,” replied Yang Hu.
  And he drank. the friendly intercourse thus continued, and messengers frequently passed from one camp to the other.
  One day the messengers said that Lu Kang was unwell and had been ailing for several days.
  “I think he suffers from the same complaint as I,” said Yang Hu. “I have some remedies ready prepared and will send him some.”
  the drugs were taken over to the Wu camp.
  But the sick man's officers were suspicious and said, “This medicine is surely harmful: It comes from the enemy.”
  However, Lu Kang said, “No; old Uncle Yang Hu would not poison a person. Do not doubt.”
  He drank the decoction. Next day he was much better.
  When his staff came to congratulate him, he said, “If our opponents take their stand upon virtue and we take ours upon violence, they will drag us after them without fighting. See to it that the boundaries be well kept and that we seek not to gain any unfair advantage.”

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