Thursday, November 20, 2008

chinese story - 1

When Sun Xiu, the Ruler of Wu, knew that the House of Wei had fallen before the Jins, he also knew that the usurper's next thought would be the conquest of his own land. The anxiety made him ill, so that he took to his bed and was like to die. He then summoned to his bedside his Prime Minister, Puyang Xing, and his heir, Sun Wan. But they two came almost too late. The dying Ruler, with his last effort, took the Minister by the hand, but could only point to his son. Then he died.
  Puyang Xing left the couch and called a meeting of the officers, whereat he proposed to place the heir on his father's throne.
  then Wan Yu, Inspector of the Left Army, rose and said, “Prince Sun Wan is too youthful to rule in such troublous times. Let us confer the throne to Sun Hao, Lord of Wucheng.”
  Zhang Bu, General of the Left Army, supported his election, saying, “Sun Hao is able and prompt in decision. He can handle the responsibilities of an emperor.”
  However, Puyang Xing was doubtful and consulted the Empress Dowager.
  “Settle this with the officials;” she replied, “I am a widow and know nothing of such matters.”
  Finally Sun Hao won the day, and in the seventh month he was enthroned as Emperor of Wu, and the first year of his reign was Prosperous Beginning (AD 264)。 Sun Hao was the son of Sun He, a former Heir Apparent, and grandson of Sun Quan the GREat Emperor. The excluded prince, Sun Wan, was consoled with the title of Prince of Yuzhang. Posthumous rank was given to his late father, Sun He the Scholar Emperor, and his mother, Lady He, the Scholar Empress. The Veteran Leader Ding Feng was made Commander of the Right and Left Armies.

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